Private sector

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and consumer demands require a management commitment to the social, environmental and economic impacts of their activities.

Society, sometimes substituting for regulators, exercises pressure to change business practices that are considered unfair or unacceptable.

Anti-corruption management standards as well as ethical competence development can help respond to this pressure.

The implementation of proportionate and reasonable anti-corruption measures, developed with your team, will allow you to:

  • prevent, detect and manage the risks of corruption;
  • increase international recognition;
  • promote reliability and build trust towards your organization;
  • prevent or reduce the costs of corruption;
  • circumscribe conflicts of interest;
  • concretely promote an anti-corruption organizational culture.

Risk management is an integral part of business decisions. It is a strength to be able to deal adequately with risks. Companies that know how to learn from their mistakes improve greatly.

However, the risk of corruption should be taken seriously because its consequences rarely give way to strategic reinforcement.

An organizational culture takes time to build. An anti-corruption culture develops during and after the establishment of efficient mechanisms to deal with this risk.

Philia Group supports private companies, their staff and stakeholders in their wish to control their risk of corruption and also to improve their ethical competence in order to be able to adapt to eventual wrongdoing.