Our team

Philia Group Inc. is a team of professionals motivated to promote integrity within organizations. The two founders realized the high potential of developing and promoting ethical competence while implementing anti-corruption management systems.

Philia Group actively participates in helping their clients become exemplary leaders in managing their corruption and collusion risks as well as keeping their organizations highly performant ethically.

Philia Group offers a fresh, thoughtful, effective and independent look enhancing existing processes and promoting integrity within organizations.

The following values guide our actions and thoughts, they make a difference for our clients:

  • Integrity:

Act honestly, in compliance and consistence with our values, our beliefs.

  • Enjoyment while working:

Work with respect for self and others, and with serenity.

  • Achievement:

Realize the full potential of our clients and our own, with pride.

Integrity is much more important than honesty. The true test of integrity is to be honest even without others being aware.”

Vikas Swarup – Pour quelques milliards et une roupie (1994)

The meaning of Philia:

Aristotle called philia the affection that makes us love an individual for what he / she is and not for what he / she can bring to us.

Sophie Gagnon

Co-founder and associate

I am a passionate, enthusiastic counsellor, speaker and trainer who is committed to the development of individual ethical skills and organizations accountability of corruption and collusion risks. I thrive on starting from an existing situation to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of systems already in place before developing, as a team, solutions adapted to the reality of the organization.

Being a graduate engineer, I have over 25 years of complementary experience. As a multidisciplinary team manager, we carried out the following projects: ISO 9001 certification, implementation of an ERP system, redesign of administrative processes. My experience as Assistant Director of the Syndic’s office of the OIQ motivated me to pursue studies in applied ethics. Combined with the certifications “ ISO 37001 Lead Implementer (PECB)” and “BCCI accompaniment”, and Carole’s complimentary competences, we are first class advisors working to promote integrity.

Jean Grandmont

Contributing editor

As a dedicated educator for over 20 years, I teach philosophy at the college level. I was also Director of the Philosophy Department and an Ethics Consultant for a period of 6 years for the Bureau d’approvisionnement du matériel didactique du Ministère de l’Éducation, des Loisirs et du Sport as well as for Éditions CEC. I acted as a freelancer and editor for Virage and L’Actuelle magazines. My passion for teaching and for philosophy has led me to organize and facilitate numerous extracurricular activities and workshops promoting exchanges and discussions between students and teachers. I also obtained a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and a Master of Philosophy from the Université de Montréal. My brief, on normative ethics, received an Award of Excellence. My collaboration with the Philia Group is at the heart of my expertise and interests in advancing philosophical and ethical thinking.

Our partners

Our markets

Our clients are from the public and private sectors, the construction sector as well as associations, non-profit organizations and foundations. 

Many challenges must be addressed by our clients as a recent survey confirms that economic crime is on the rise (Global Survey 2018 PwC). In Canada, the average financial loss from corruption is $200,000 (Report to the Nations 2018 ACFE), $100,000 more than in the United States over the same period.

Work environments are constantly changing and increasingly complex. Most often the mechanisms in place respond to previous situations. Organizations must ensure that their work teams are equipped to deal with new realities. The development of the employee’s ethical competency ensures the sustainability and effectiveness of the anticorruption measures put in place.